The Nazis are back. And, as predicted, they call themselves anti-fascists.

On March 1, the Babi Yar Holocaust memorial in Kyiv took the blow of a fascist rocket.

The Nazis are back. Again. In 2022.

The Nazis are back. This time they came from Russia.

Like anti-fascists. Like denazifiers. Like demilitarists.

The Nazis are back. They have already destroyed more than 200 schools in Ukraine.

The Nazis are back. They shoot families again. They take hostages. They rape. Churches are blown up. They are shelling residential areas. They have bombed Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv, Zhitomir, Nikolaev.

The Nazis are back. They exterminate Jews, burn Koryukovka and Khatyn.

You can close your eyes. You can turn away. You can make money. You can pretend like nothing happened. But you already know: the Nazis are back.

And you know for sure that in order to stop them, you need to:

Close the sky over Ukraine.

Provide Ukrainian soldiers with all the necessary weapons as soon as possible.

Destroy Putin's fascist regime.

The Nazis are back. You know what that means. You know their names. You know what to do.