The first task - the most important - how to provide the army with ammunition, weapons and resources. Simply put, to create a defense industry, which today is dismantled due to stupidity and greed.
The second task is how to provide the population with employment so that it can cover basic expenses so that the country's economy, which solves the problem of providing for the army, does not fall apart.
The third task is how to protect critical infrastructure so that the economy works and the army receives the necessary resources to repel Russian aggression.
The fourth task is how to rationalize the use of resources so that they are not stupidly stolen, because in war conditions this is fraught with defeat and the loss of lives of tens, or even hundreds of thousands of people.
The fifth task is how to raise the organization of the Ukrainian army to such a level that its lower resource capacity compared to the Russian army is compensated by a higher level of organization.
The sixth task is to ensure a high level of support from the West, which, in the absence of a defense industry in Ukraine (it does not exist, because Ukraine is not able to provide itself with elementary cartridges), determines the pace of the war in which Ukraine can move.
Solving these problems means that we must forget about the projects of renovating schools, building hospitals, universities and something else, because we do not have the resources for this. In addition, this does not solve the problem 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. That is, none of the tasks that allow us to resist the fight against Russia not for life, but for death.
Therefore, if Zelensky does not want to repeat the fate of Churchill, who lost power by winning the war, then right now we need to move on to building a war economy. Ukraine needs its own Albert Speer, who will carry out a total reorganization of the economy, adapting it to the challenges of war.
To solve six problems, we propose to take three steps:
First, to roll back the Constitution to the level of 1996, so that the president has the opportunity to speed up decision-making through directives. This will bring back the backbone of the executive branch.
Second, to create the General Staff of the Economy, where economic decisions will be formed, which will be carried out by the government. The General Staff of the economy will generate strategic decisions, the Cabinet of Ministers will close the operating activities. It is not capable of more.
Third, create a ministry of military industry and infrastructure, which should be directly subordinate to the president and will deal with all tasks related to the defense of the country. The task of the ministry is to develop a strategy, to coordinate everything related to the defense of the country. Impotent ministries and departments, which during the months of the war showed their absolute uselessness (Minstratprom, Ukroboronprom and other parasites), must be closed, and their functions transferred to a new ministry.
It follows from this that the economy should be divided into two parts, which should be managed differently.
The first part deals with defense issues. It is managed quickly, directively, concentrates the resources necessary for the construction of new military-industrial complex plants, civil defense facilities, ensures the production of weapons and ammunition in close cooperation with private business. The ministry should launch programs for the production of its missiles, air defense systems, armored vehicles, the production of ammunition, and drones as soon as possible. It should build underground factories, organize the evacuation of military-industrial complex enterprises to western Ukraine, and also move production to neighboring allied countries, if this is expedient from the point of view of safety and speed of launching the production of the necessary range of weapons. This militarized segment of the economy will eventually reduce dependence on Western arms supplies and create the basis for the emergence of Israel in Eastern Europe.
The second part - decides on employment and the sustainability of the economy. There is maximum freedom for business, the elimination of excessive regulation, the introduction of the Amelin-Monin tax reform according to the 10-10-10 principle. Launch of economic experiments. This sector is handled by the General Staff of the Economy, which must turn the economy to the needs of the people. Launch the processes of its modernization against the background of the destruction of the old economic clusters. It will form the basis for a long-term economic miracle in the spirit of South Korea, Singapore and Poland.
Six wartime tasks and three responses of Ukraine
18 July, 10:09
These thoughts were born during the preparation of a plan for the reorganization of the Ukrainian state in wartime conditions during brainstorming sessions with several associates and live broadcasts on Alpha and Omega.

Russia's war against Ukraine